How to start with automation in businesses?

At the end of 2018, in the process of advising customers about the application of automation for businesses in daily activities.

There are simple things, there are quite complicated and time-consuming jobs, many bosses are excited to gradually automate the work in the business.

We are aiming for the 4.0 era, but there are still many things and times that can be called true and sufficient for the full meaning of 4.0.

So now summarize the simple and easy jobs before you want to automate the agencies and businesses.

How to automate your business in 5 simple steps

# 1: Choose the job you will automate

It is precisely to determine what will be automatic and if there are many things that need or prioritize first, do not be too preoccupied at first because you may not anticipate things that may arise. It is best to choose the tasks with the processing steps, clear information to do first.

# 2: Choose your automation tool

So this part will have to choose which solution tool best meets your needs, technology, the simplest operational flexibility will have the advantage of being chosen, not because of free, cheap, … if not clear, can consult independent consulting units.

# 3: Set your automation goals

Of course, after having a job, the tool has already been implemented, there must be something to be a goal or a destination for each stage of deployment.
Just divide the small period & specific goal as possible.
For example: Normally Sales staff or quote, send information to customers asking from website, FB, Chat, … it takes about 15 minutes.
So after applying this automation, can it be reduced to 10 seconds?

Or another example is the approval of bidding documents which usually takes 3 days in the old style, so is it 4h?

# 4: Track results and refine your process

Automation is an ongoing process of updating and improving to get to the best & most stable.
Therefore, the tasks, tools, goals must be flexibly changed as needed, even for non-technical people.
There are many tools and solutions that need to rely on the specialized technical team of the companies that provide the right services, updating the applications will be limited in flexibility and will certainly cost money in operate and autonomy later.

# 5: Create an automated culture at your workplace

As things automate gradually, people will naturally feel that these things are inevitable and will participate actively in the operation, improvement & development of automation in the enterprise.
Increased productivity, ability to control work, and interact in work better and better.
Of course, the bosses will be happy & excited because the automation program is going well, the business is growing stronger.

* In short, start small and build from here now.

As mentioned earlier, the key to automation is to start small and build your workflow over time. Perform your first processes, track the results and refine your workflows for better performance before you start adding too much (or more complex) automatically to the mixed process.

OK, today is short and simple to share !!!


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